
Jessica L. Porter has maintained Porter Advisory since 2001, working with organizations and other galleries as an independent curator, creating exhibitions in alternative spaces and exposing emerging artists to interesting opportunities. She advises emerging artists on career development, marketing, and strategic growth and guides collectors and institutions through art selection processes and investment.

From 2006 to 2017, Porter founded and directed Porter Contemporary, a Chelsea art gallery, where she was responsible for the overall strategy, business development and market growth, marketing, and communications as well as talent acquisition and development of the gallery. She is currently acting as the Lila Harnett Executive Director at ArtTable.

Porter has spoken as an expert on CNBC on art collecting and investment of emerging artists, to the Harvard Business Women’s Association on starting an art collection and has participated in panel discussions on such topics as Art & Music, Women in the Art Industry, Contemporary Visions of Picasso and art collecting. She is also a lawyer.

Porter is an active member of the Board of Directors of ArtTable and the Advisory Board of the Girl Scouts of Greater New York.